- Cheap lining vs. Canvas lining

- Mid Grain Leather vs. Top Grain Leather

-Time will show you quality

There are 4 main components that make a great wallet, but the most important is the leather.
1 - The Leather
2 - The Lining
3 - The Thread
4 - The Design
We use 2 types of leather in our wallets - full grain leather and top grain leather.
Full grain leather is used in most of our products including - card wallets, card sleeves, front pocket wallets and passport wallets.
In our bifold and trifold wallets, we shaved our leather and used the top grain part of the leather to make our wallets. We shaved it so it is not too bulky.
Suede or canvas are the only two materials used as our lining. This is different from other companies who use plastic and cheap fabrics in their wallets.
- No plastics or thin fabric is used in our wallets.
Most wallets you buy out there, are made with mid grain leather or low quality top grain leather. The difference between cheap leather and great leather, are the looks and the durability.
- You can spot a cheap wallet a mile away.
Our thread comes from Germany and is the highest quality thread on the market. It is not cotton or nylon. It is made of the strongest fiber - polyester.
- We don’t want to make good wallets, we are in the business of making GREAT wallets and leather products.
YOR Leather is a Calgary based company and we are proud of our quality.
Wallet Review-